Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Enjoy Water?

Bernese Mountain Dogs, known for their majestic size and friendly nature, have always captivated dog lovers around the world. But have you ever wondered if these gentle giants enjoy the water? In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Bernese Mountain Dogs and their relationship with water. From their history as working dogs to their unique coat, we will uncover the truth behind their affinity (or maybe lack thereof) for the wet element. So, grab a refreshing drink and join us as we discover whether Bernese Mountain Dogs are truly water enthusiasts.

Physical Characteristics of Bernese Mountain Dogs

Size and Weight

Bernese Mountain Dogs are large and sturdy dogs, known for their impressive size. On average, adult males typically weigh between 80 and 115 pounds, while females generally weigh between 70 and 95 pounds. When it comes to height, these dogs usually stand between 23 and 28 inches at the shoulder. Their robust build, strong bones, and muscular bodies contribute to their ability to navigate various terrains, including water.

Coat and Fur

One of the most distinctive features of Bernese Mountain Dogs is their beautiful coat. They have a double coat that consists of a dense, thick outer coat and a wooly undercoat. This unique combination provides them with excellent insulation and protects them from harsh weather conditions, including cold water. Their beautiful tri-colored fur usually consists of black, rust, and white markings, making them truly stand out. While their luxurious coat may require regular grooming, it also helps repel water and keep them warm when they are in the water.

Natural Instincts of Bernese Mountain Dogs

Working Background

Bernese Mountain Dogs have a rich working background that plays a significant role in their natural instincts, including their affinity for water. These dogs were originally bred in the Swiss Alps as working dogs, primarily for herding livestock and pulling carts. They are known for their strength, endurance, and intelligence. Their working background has instilled in them a sense of adventure and a love for exploring different environments, including bodies of water.

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Herding Instincts

In addition to their working background, Bernese Mountain Dogs have strong herding instincts. These instincts are deeply ingrained in their DNA and are a result of their historical role as herding dogs. Part of the herding process often involves guiding livestock across rivers or through water bodies. Therefore, it is not surprising that Bernese Mountain Dogs are naturally comfortable in and around water. Their herding instincts, combined with their natural swimming ability, make them well-suited for water-related activities.

The Water-loving Traits of Bernese Mountain Dogs

Swimming Ability

One of the reasons why Bernese Mountain Dogs enjoy water is their natural swimming ability. Their powerful limbs, muscular bodies, and webbed feet allow them to navigate through water with ease. They have a graceful and efficient swimming style that enables them to move through water effortlessly, making it a joyful and rewarding experience for them.

Water Rescue Skills

Due to their working background and herding instincts, Bernese Mountain Dogs possess excellent water rescue skills. Their size, strength, and swimming ability make them well-equipped to rescue individuals in distress in water. Whether it is retrieving objects from the water or assisting people, these dogs are known for their natural abilities in water rescue situations. Their loving and protective nature further enhances their effectiveness as water rescuers.

Factors Influencing Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Water Preferences

Individual Personality

Just like humans, Bernese Mountain Dogs have unique personalities and preferences. While some Berners may instinctively gravitate towards water and enjoy its company, others may be more hesitant or go through a period of adjustment. Each dog has its own comfort level and preferences when it comes to water activities. It is essential to respect and understand their individual personality traits and provide them with opportunities to explore and enjoy water at their own pace.

Early Experiences with Water

Early experiences play a vital role in shaping a Bernese Mountain Dog’s attitude towards water. Positive experiences during puppyhood, such as gentle introductions to water, can create a strong foundation for a lifelong love of water. On the other hand, negative experiences or lack of exposure to water during this critical developmental stage can influence the dog’s water preferences later in life. Gradual and positive exposure to water from an early age is key to fostering a positive relationship between Bernese Mountain Dogs and water.

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Training and Socialization

Proper training and socialization are essential in influencing a Bernese Mountain Dog’s water preferences. Through positive reinforcement, consistent training, and exposure to different water environments, these dogs can develop confidence and skills in water-related activities. Building trust between the dog and its owner during training sessions helps establish a strong bond and enhances the dog’s willingness to engage in water activities. Additionally, socialization with other dogs who enjoy water can also influence a Bernese Mountain Dog’s comfort level in water.

Creating Positive Water Experiences for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Introducing Water Gradually

When introducing a Bernese Mountain Dog to water, it is crucial to do so gradually and in a controlled environment. Start by allowing them to explore shallow water or calm bodies of water such as a pool or a calm lake. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to reward their progress and build their confidence. It is important not to rush the process and to respect the dog’s comfort level at each stage.

Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in encouraging Bernese Mountain Dogs to enjoy water. Rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, and playtime creates a positive association with water and motivates them to engage in water-related activities. Patience, consistency, and a calm and encouraging tone are key when using positive reinforcement techniques. This approach builds trust and strengthens the bond between the dog and its owner, making water activities a fun and enjoyable experience for both.

Care and Safety Measures

While Bernese Mountain Dogs may have a natural inclination towards water, it is crucial to prioritize their safety and well-being. Provide them with a well-fitted flotation device when engaging in water activities to ensure their safety, especially in deep or fast-moving water. Additionally, be mindful of potential hazards such as strong currents, sharp rocks, or toxic substances in the water. Regularly check and clean their ears to prevent infections, as moisture from water activities can promote the growth of bacteria. Finally, ensure that they have access to fresh drinking water to stay hydrated before, during, and after water activities.

Tips for Enjoying Water Activities with Bernese Mountain Dogs

Choosing Suitable Water Activities

When planning water activities with Bernese Mountain Dogs, consider their individual preferences, abilities, and safety. Opt for activities that align with their natural instincts and skills, such as swimming, retrieving objects from the water, or participating in water sports. Engage in activities that cater to their energy levels and physical capabilities to ensure an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both you and your furry companion.

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Water Safety Precautions

Prioritizing water safety is essential when participating in water activities with Bernese Mountain Dogs. Always supervise your dog while they are in or near water, especially in unfamiliar or potentially dangerous environments. Be aware of the water’s temperature and currents, and avoid areas with strong undertows or other potential hazards. Keep a close eye on your dog’s energy levels and limit the duration and intensity of the activity to prevent exhaustion or fatigue. Remember to provide necessary breaks and offer plenty of fresh water to stay hydrated.

Common Water-related Concerns for Bernese Mountain Dog Owners

Dry Skin and Coat Care

After engaging in water-related activities, Bernese Mountain Dogs may experience dry skin or a dull coat. To combat these issues, it is important to ensure proper coat care. Regular brushing helps remove any tangles or mats and promotes healthy blood circulation, which contributes to a shiny and vibrant coat. Additionally, using a moisturizing shampoo specifically designed for dogs helps keep their skin hydrated and their coat nourished, minimizing the impact of water-related dryness.

Ear Infections

Bernese Mountain Dogs’ floppy ears make them more prone to ear infections, especially after water activities. Moisture in the ears can create an ideal environment for bacteria and yeast to grow. To prevent ear infections, make sure to thoroughly dry your dog’s ears after water activities using a clean, dry towel or specialized ear wipes. Regularly check their ears for any signs of redness, odor, or excessive wax buildup, and consult with a veterinarian if you suspect an infection.

Swimming Hazards

While Bernese Mountain Dogs generally have a natural affinity for water, it is important to be aware of potential swimming hazards. Avoid areas with strong currents or unpredictable tides, as these can pose a danger to both you and your dog. Additionally, be cautious of hidden underwater obstacles such as rocks or branches that could cause injury. If you’re unsure about the safety of a particular water body, consult with local authorities or experts to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.


Bernese Mountain Dogs possess a range of physical characteristics, natural instincts, and acquired preferences that contribute to their enjoyment of water. Their size, strength, swimming ability, and herding background make them well-suited for water-related activities. By understanding and respecting their individual personalities, providing positive water experiences, and prioritizing safety, you can cultivate a strong bond and create lasting memories while enjoying water activities with your Bernese Mountain Dog. Whether it’s swimming, retrieving, or simply splashing around, the joy and excitement that these dogs experience in the water are contagious. So go ahead, make a splash, and enjoy the adventures that await with your beloved Berner by your side.