Delicious Homemade Recipes for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Are you a proud owner of a Bernese Mountain Dog? If so, you’ll be delighted to learn about some delicious homemade recipes specifically designed for your furry friend. These recipes are not only nutritious but also easy to make, ensuring that your Bernese Mountain Dog gets all the love and nourishment it deserves. From tasty homemade treats to wholesome meals, this article will provide you with a variety of mouthwatering options to keep your furry companion happy and healthy. So grab your apron and get ready to whip up some fantastic homemade meals for your beloved Bernese Mountain Dog.

Breakfast Recipes

Recipe 1: Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables

Start your day off right with a delicious and nutritious breakfast for your Bernese Mountain Dog. One great option is scrambled eggs with vegetables. This recipe is simple to make and provides a balanced mix of protein and fiber.

To make scrambled eggs with vegetables, start by whisking together a couple of eggs in a bowl. Chop up some fresh vegetables such as bell peppers, spinach, and mushrooms. Heat a non-stick pan on medium heat and add a little bit of olive oil. Once the oil is hot, add the vegetables and cook until they are slightly softened. Then, pour in the whisked eggs and scramble them with the vegetables until they are cooked through.

This breakfast recipe is not only tasty but also packed with nutrients. The eggs provide a good source of protein for your furry friend, while the vegetables add vitamins and minerals. Plus, the combination of flavors will surely have your dog eagerly awaiting breakfast every morning.

Recipe 2: Yogurt and Berries Bowl

If your Bernese Mountain Dog has a sweet tooth, a yogurt and berries bowl might be the perfect breakfast option. This recipe is not only delicious but also provides a good amount of protein, calcium, and antioxidants.

To make a yogurt and berries bowl, start by choosing a plain, unsweetened yogurt. Avoid flavored yogurts, as they often contain added sugars that can be harmful to your dog’s health. In a bowl, mix the yogurt with a handful of fresh berries such as blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries. You can also add a spoonful of natural honey for some extra sweetness.

This breakfast recipe is not only a treat for your dog’s taste buds but also offers several health benefits. The yogurt provides probiotics that support a healthy digestive system, while the berries are rich in antioxidants that boost your dog’s immune system. It’s a win-win for both taste and health!

Recipe 3: Peanut Butter and Banana Pancakes

Who doesn’t love pancakes? Your Bernese Mountain Dog will surely enjoy this special treat for breakfast. Peanut butter and banana pancakes are not only tasty but also provide a good amount of healthy fats, protein, and potassium.

To make peanut butter and banana pancakes, start by mashing a ripe banana in a bowl. Add a spoonful of all-natural peanut butter and mix well. In a separate bowl, whisk together some whole wheat flour and water until you get a pancake batter consistency. Then, pour the banana and peanut butter mixture into the pancake batter and mix until well combined.

Heat a non-stick pan on medium heat and pour a small amount of batter onto the pan to make small pancakes. Cook until golden brown on both sides. You can serve these pancakes as is or cut them into bite-sized pieces for your dog to enjoy.

These pancakes are a delightful twist on the classic breakfast favorite. The peanut butter adds a rich and creamy flavor, while the banana provides natural sweetness. Your Bernese Mountain Dog will eagerly await breakfast time knowing that these delicious pancakes are on the menu.

Lunch Recipes

Recipe 1: Turkey and Sweet Potato Mash

For a hearty and satisfying lunch, try serving your Bernese Mountain Dog some turkey and sweet potato mash. This recipe is not only tasty but also provides a good amount of protein, vitamins, and fiber.

To make turkey and sweet potato mash, start by cooking some lean ground turkey in a pan until it is fully cooked. In a separate pot, boil some sweet potatoes until they are soft and tender. Once the turkey and sweet potatoes are cooked, mash them together until well combined. You can also add a little bit of low-sodium chicken broth to improve the consistency if needed.

This lunch recipe is a great way to incorporate lean protein and complex carbohydrates into your dog’s diet. The turkey provides a good source of protein, while the sweet potatoes offer a healthy dose of fiber and vitamins. Your Bernese Mountain Dog will surely be licking their bowl clean after enjoying this delicious and nutritious meal.

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Recipe 2: Chicken and Rice Casserole

If you’re looking for a lunch recipe that is both filling and comforting, a chicken and rice casserole is a great choice. This recipe is packed with protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients to keep your Bernese Mountain Dog satisfied and energized throughout the day.

To make a chicken and rice casserole, start by cooking some boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a pot until they are fully cooked. Remove the chicken from the pot and shred it into small pieces. In the same pot, cook some brown rice according to the package instructions. Once the rice is cooked, combine it with the shredded chicken and mix well. You can also add some steamed vegetables such as peas or carrots for added nutrition.

This lunch recipe is a complete meal that provides a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and vegetables. The chicken offers a lean source of protein, while the brown rice provides complex carbohydrates for sustained energy. Your Bernese Mountain Dog will be fueled and ready for any afternoon adventures after enjoying this tasty casserole.

Recipe 3: Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry

If your Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys a savory lunch, a beef and vegetable stir-fry is a great option. This recipe is not only delicious but also provides a good mix of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

To make a beef and vegetable stir-fry, start by slicing some lean beef into thin strips. In a hot pan, sauté the beef until it is cooked to your desired level of doneness. Set the beef aside and add a mix of fresh vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, and carrots to the same pan. Stir-fry the vegetables until they are tender-crisp. Then, add the cooked beef back to the pan and toss everything together.

This lunch recipe offers a healthy dose of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. The beef provides essential amino acids, while the vegetables add vitamins and minerals. This flavorful stir-fry will surely get your Bernese Mountain Dog excited for lunchtime.

Dinner Recipes

Recipe 1: Salmon and Quinoa Delight

Treat your Bernese Mountain Dog to a gourmet dinner with a salmon and quinoa delight. This recipe is not only delectable but also provides omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, and essential nutrients.

To make a salmon and quinoa delight, start by cooking some quinoa according to the package instructions. In a separate pan, cook a salmon fillet until it is fully cooked and flakes easily with a fork. Once the salmon is cooked, flake it into small pieces. In a bowl, combine the cooked quinoa and salmon, and mix well. You can also add some steamed vegetables such as asparagus or green beans for added nutrition.

This dinner recipe is a healthy and wholesome option for your Bernese Mountain Dog. The salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids that support a healthy coat and skin, while the quinoa offers high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Your furry friend will feel like they’re dining at a five-star restaurant with this delicious dinner.

Recipe 2: Lamb Stew with Garden Vegetables

Give your Bernese Mountain Dog a taste of comfort with a lamb stew packed with garden vegetables. This recipe is not only hearty but also provides a good combination of protein, vitamins, and fiber.

To make a lamb stew with garden vegetables, start by browning some lean lamb cubes in a pot until they are seared on all sides. Remove the lamb from the pot and set it aside. In the same pot, sauté a mix of fresh vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and peas. Once the vegetables are slightly softened, add the browned lamb back to the pot and pour in enough low-sodium beef or vegetable broth to cover the ingredients. Simmer the stew on low heat for about an hour until the flavors meld together.

This dinner recipe is a comfort food feast for your Bernese Mountain Dog. The lamb provides a rich source of protein, while the garden vegetables add vitamins and fiber. Your furry friend will be eagerly waiting for dinner time knowing that a delicious lamb stew is on the menu.

Recipe 3: Venison and Pumpkin Stew

If you’re looking to introduce a unique protein source into your Bernese Mountain Dog’s diet, a venison and pumpkin stew is a great option. This recipe is not only flavorful but also provides a good source of lean protein, fiber, and essential nutrients.

To make a venison and pumpkin stew, start by browning some cubed venison meat in a pot until it is seared on all sides. Remove the venison from the pot and set it aside. In the same pot, sauté some diced onions and garlic until they are fragrant. Then, add the browned venison back to the pot and pour in enough low-sodium beef or vegetable broth to cover the ingredients. Add some cubed pumpkin and simmer the stew on low heat for about an hour until the flavors meld together.

This dinner recipe offers a unique flavor profile that your Bernese Mountain Dog will savor. The venison provides a lean source of protein, while the pumpkin offers fiber and essential vitamins. Your furry friend will be licking their bowl clean with this delicious and nutritious venison and pumpkin stew.

Snack Recipes

Recipe 1: Carrot and Apple Bites

Treat your Bernese Mountain Dog to a refreshing and crunchy snack with carrot and apple bites. This recipe is not only delicious but also provides vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.

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To make carrot and apple bites, start by peeling and chopping a carrot into small, bite-sized pieces. Core and dice an apple into similar-sized pieces. In a bowl, mix the carrot and apple together until well combined. You can serve this snack as is or lightly steam the carrot for a softer texture.

This snack recipe is a healthy and low-calorie option for your Bernese Mountain Dog. The carrot provides beta-carotene, while the apple offers antioxidants and soluble fiber. Your furry friend will enjoy the refreshing crunch of these carrot and apple bites any time of the day.

Recipe 2: Sweet Potato Fries

If your Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys a savory snack, homemade sweet potato fries are a great option. This recipe is not only tasty but also provides vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.

To make sweet potato fries, start by preheating your oven to 400°F (200°C). Peel and cut a sweet potato into thin, fry-like strips. In a bowl, toss the sweet potato strips with a small amount of olive oil and your choice of dog-safe seasonings such as cinnamon or turmeric. Spread the sweet potato strips on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for about 15-20 minutes until they are crispy and golden brown.

These sweet potato fries are a healthier alternative to store-bought treats for your Bernese Mountain Dog. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Your furry friend will be wagging their tail in anticipation as the aroma of these homemade sweet potato fries fills the kitchen.

Recipe 3: Banana and Peanut Butter Biscuits

For a delicious and filling snack, treat your Bernese Mountain Dog to some homemade banana and peanut butter biscuits. This recipe is not only mouthwatering but also provides healthy fats, potassium, and essential nutrients.

To make banana and peanut butter biscuits, start by mashing a ripe banana in a bowl. Add a spoonful of all-natural peanut butter and mix well. Gradually add whole wheat flour to the banana and peanut butter mixture until you get a dough-like consistency. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface and cut it into small biscuit shapes using a cookie cutter. Place the biscuits on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 350°F (180°C) for about 15-20 minutes until they are golden brown.

These banana and peanut butter biscuits are a wholesome and drool-worthy snack for your Bernese Mountain Dog. The banana provides a natural sweetness, while the peanut butter adds a rich and creamy flavor. Your furry friend will be anxiously awaiting snack time knowing that these delicious biscuits are awaiting them.

Treat Recipes

Recipe 1: Frozen Watermelon Pops

Cool down your Bernese Mountain Dog on a hot day with some refreshing frozen watermelon pops. This recipe is not only hydrating but also provides vitamins, antioxidants, and a tasty treat.

To make frozen watermelon pops, start by cutting seedless watermelon into small, bite-sized pieces. Place the watermelon pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze them for a few hours until they are solid. Once frozen, you can serve the watermelon pops as is or on a popsicle stick for easy handling.

This frozen treat is a great way to keep your Bernese Mountain Dog hydrated and entertained during the summer months. Watermelon is not only delicious but also high in water content and essential nutrients. Your furry friend will happily lick away at these frozen watermelon pops to beat the heat.

Recipe 2: Blueberry and Oatmeal Cookies

If you’re looking for a tasty and nutritious treat for your Bernese Mountain Dog, try making some homemade blueberry and oatmeal cookies. This recipe is not only flavorful but also provides antioxidants, fiber, and energy.

To make blueberry and oatmeal cookies, start by preheating your oven to 350°F (180°C). In a bowl, mix together rolled oats, mashed banana, and a handful of fresh blueberries. You can also add a small amount of water or unsweetened almond milk to improve the consistency if needed. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and lightly flatten them with the back of a spoon. Bake the cookies for about 15-20 minutes until they are golden brown.

These blueberry and oatmeal cookies are a guilt-free treat for your Bernese Mountain Dog. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, while oats provide fiber and sustained energy. Your furry friend will surely wag their tail in delight as they savor these homemade cookies.

Recipe 3: Pumpkin and Cinnamon Bones

Give your Bernese Mountain Dog a taste of the fall season with some homemade pumpkin and cinnamon bones. This recipe is not only flavorful but also provides vitamins, fiber, and a delicious treat.

To make pumpkin and cinnamon bones, start by preheating your oven to 350°F (180°C). In a bowl, mix together canned pumpkin puree, whole wheat flour, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Gradually add water to the mixture until you get a dough-like consistency. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface and cut it into bone shapes using a cookie cutter. Place the bones on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for about 20-25 minutes until they are crisp.

These pumpkin and cinnamon bones are a festive and wholesome treat for your Bernese Mountain Dog. Pumpkin is not only a tasty ingredient but also rich in vitamins and fiber. Your furry friend will be wagging their tail in excitement as they nibble on these homemade bones.

Homemade Dog Food Tips

Choosing Quality Ingredients

When preparing homemade food for your Bernese Mountain Dog, it’s important to choose quality ingredients. Opt for lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, or lean cuts of beef or lamb. Always opt for organic, grass-fed, or free-range meats when possible to ensure the highest quality and nutrient content. Include a variety of fresh vegetables like carrots, peas, broccoli, and sweet potatoes to provide essential vitamins and minerals. It’s also important to choose whole grains such as brown rice or quinoa and avoid processed foods or ingredients that may be harmful to dogs, such as garlic, onions, or chocolate.

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Balancing Nutritional Needs

Homemade dog food should strive to meet your Bernese Mountain Dog’s nutritional needs. Consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to ensure that each meal provides a balanced mix of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Consider rotating proteins and incorporating a mixture of fruits and vegetables to provide a wide range of nutrients. It’s also important to monitor your dog’s weight and adjust portion sizes accordingly to maintain a healthy weight.

Avoiding Harmful Foods

While homemade food provides numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of foods that can be harmful to dogs. Avoid ingredients such as onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, chocolate, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners like xylitol, as these can be toxic to dogs. Consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to ensure that all ingredients are safe and suitable for your Bernese Mountain Dog.

FAQs about Homemade Dog Food

Can I feed my Bernese Mountain Dog only homemade food?

Feeding your Bernese Mountain Dog only homemade food is possible, but it is important to ensure that their nutritional needs are being met. Consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to design a balanced homemade diet that provides all the necessary nutrients. It’s also important to regularly monitor your dog’s weight and overall health to ensure the diet is working effectively.

How often should I prepare homemade meals for my dog?

The frequency of preparing homemade meals for your Bernese Mountain Dog depends on various factors, including their age, size, activity level, and specific dietary needs. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to determine the appropriate feeding schedule for your dog. Generally, meals can be prepared once or twice a day, or a mixture of homemade and commercial dog food can be fed.

Can I substitute ingredients in the recipes?

Yes, you can substitute ingredients in the recipes as long as they are safe and suitable for dogs. However, it’s important to maintain a balance of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) and ensure that the substituted ingredients provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. Always consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist before making any significant changes to the recipes to ensure your Bernese Mountain Dog’s nutritional needs are being met.

Feeding Guidelines for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Understanding Portion Sizes

Determining the appropriate portion sizes for your Bernese Mountain Dog can be challenging. Factors such as age, weight, activity level, metabolism, and overall health play a role in determining the right amount of food. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to calculate the appropriate portion sizes based on your dog’s specific needs. As a general guideline, aim to feed about 2-3% of your dog’s body weight in food per day, dividing it into two or more meals.

Monitoring Weight and Adjusting Portions

Monitoring your Bernese Mountain Dog’s weight is essential to ensure they maintain a healthy body condition. Regularly weigh your dog and assess their body condition score with the help of your veterinarian. If your dog is gaining weight, you may need to reduce their daily portion sizes. Conversely, if your dog is losing weight or appearing underweight, you might need to increase their portions. Always consult with your veterinarian for guidance on portion adjustments to maintain a healthy weight for your furry friend.

Consulting with a Veterinarian

It’s important to consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist when it comes to feeding guidelines for your Bernese Mountain Dog. They can provide valuable guidance based on your dog’s specific needs, including portion sizes, appropriate ratios of macronutrients, and any specific dietary considerations. Regular check-ups and discussions with your veterinarian are crucial to ensure your dog’s diet supports their overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Homemade Food for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Improved Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

One of the benefits of feeding homemade food to your Bernese Mountain Dog is improved digestion and nutrient absorption. When you prepare meals from scratch, you have control over the ingredients and can ensure they are of high quality and easily digestible. Homemade meals often contain fewer fillers, additives, and preservatives, allowing for better absorption of essential nutrients by your dog’s digestive system. This can lead to improved overall health and well-being.

Potential Cost Savings

Feeding your Bernese Mountain Dog homemade food can potentially offer cost savings in the long run. While there may be an upfront investment in quality ingredients, homemade meals can be more affordable compared to high-quality commercial dog foods. Additionally, homemade food allows you to buy ingredients in bulk and take advantage of seasonal produce or sales, reducing the overall cost of your dog’s meals. It’s important to balance cost considerations with nutritional quality when designing homemade meals for your furry friend.

Tailored Nutritional Needs

By preparing homemade food for your Bernese Mountain Dog, you can tailor their meals to meet their specific nutritional needs. You have control over the ingredients, portion sizes, and macronutrient ratios. This flexibility allows you to cater to any dietary restrictions, allergies, or sensitivities your dog may have. Whether your Bernese Mountain Dog requires a specific protein source, needs to lose weight, or has dietary sensitivities, homemade food provides the opportunity to customize their meals and ensure they receive optimal nutrition.


With these delicious homemade recipes, you can provide your Bernese Mountain Dog with nutritious and tasty meals throughout the day. From scrambled eggs with vegetables for breakfast to venison and pumpkin stew for dinner, these recipes offer a variety of flavors and nutrients to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

Remember to consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to ensure that your homemade meals meet your Bernese Mountain Dog’s specific nutritional needs. By choosing quality ingredients, balancing their nutritional requirements, and avoiding harmful foods, you can create a diet that supports their overall health and well-being.

Feeding your Bernese Mountain Dog homemade food not only provides them with delicious meals but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. Through meal preparation and shared mealtimes, you can create special moments and ensure a happy and healthy dog for years to come.